
Showing posts from June, 2024

Neo, neoliberals, and nonsense #2

  Neo, neoliberals, and nonsense.   After taking the plunge with blog number 1, I now have to decide on some sort of direction of travel (making the assumption that more blogs will follow and that they may actually have to lead to somewhere or something). Thinking about coming up with that direction reminded me of how many years ago a colleague at another University asked me about my “five year research plan”. At that stage of my career, I was quietly confident of a rough sketch covering the subsequent 5 days or so, but months or years was well beyond my limited attention..>-SQUIRREL! [1] Now of course I have some ideas about things I would like to read about, summarise and share with you, but I have some concerns. First, a hypothesis 6 (about why I might want to write a blog), might be that it would compel me to read at least something of an economic and political literature that isn’t exactly unpleasant per se, but has a tendency to raise my blood pressure beyond i...